Hello Everyone:COVID 19

Given what is transpiring in our own communities in Ontario, and around the world, we are closely monitoring and reviewing daily public health updates from local experts and the World Health Organization. In these unprecedented times, our office is managing the recommended protocols regarding the Coronavirus, COVID 19.  Someone at the courthouse tested positive, and it is a stark reminder that this virus needs to be taken seriously to reduce possible exposure.  Of course, the health and safety of my employees, clients, families and community are of utmost importance in this very difficult, stressful time.

To that end, our office has a necessary protocol to ensure less risk of contracting COVID 19, such that the office is open but the door will be locked to allow the staff to ensure that the person attempting to enter the office is at low risk of having COVID 19. The staff has also been diligently disinfecting all surfaces in reception and other areas to ensure cleanliness is top priority.  As with the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health in Canada, we are all washing our hands frequently as recommended for 20 seconds.

Any and all meetings will be by teleconference instead of “in person” to comply with the recommended social distancing.

Any and all cases have been suspended until June. This means all trial readiness, Trial Management Conferences, Pre-trials, Trials, Motions, Conferences, To Be Spoken To dates, whatever, have been cancelled until June 2020 all over Ontario, including Southwest Region, if your case is in Goderich, Sarnia, London, Brampton etc.

During this situation, our office will do our best to answer any questions you may have. We will continue to provide legal services within these confined circumstances and if we can do anything to alleviate your concerns, please email us any questions you may have.

We are obviously not functioning at full capacity as in a “normal work environment” such that we are reviewing the situation daily. This means that potentially the office may have to be closed temporarily or on reduced hours and staff.  Please keep this in mind.  This is likely your situation, as well.

Just remember, we remain committed to you and we will work as a team to deliver what is necessary in terms of legal services. We do understand that this is a difficult and stressful time of uncertainty for everyone and it will cause upheaval, just remember we are all in this together and our hope is that you and your family, stay safe and healthy.

You can keep updated from the website,

Monique Rae Bennett  Lawyer